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Focusing On Manufacturing

It's important to invest in your business, but to to make sure your manufacturing is as efficient and profitable as possible, you need to really look at your processes. You might think that you can save money in some areas only to find out you actually need to spend more to improve how things are run. This blog is all about focusing on manufacturing and knowing how to make big differences that can protect your company's financial future. From employee safety to equipment upgrades, you need to know how and why to focus on every step of the manufacturing process.

Maintaining Your Custom Powder Coated Wheels

28 November 2016
 Categories: Industrial & Manufacturing, Blog

In the world of custom cars and high-end parts, powder coating has become a great option for parts that require durable, but good-looking finishes. Many parts that used to be chrome plated are benefiting from powder coating. Bumpers, trim parts, and expensive, custom wheels are all candidates for powder coating, and the color choices are nearly unlimited. The following are some tips for keeping your powder coated wheels in top condition. Read More …

Laying A New Driveway? Two Reasons Why You Should Use Recycled Concrete

23 November 2016
 Categories: Industrial & Manufacturing, Blog

Whether you're constructing a new house and need a driveway, or your current driveway has become so damaged that it must be replaced, using recycled concrete is a great choice.  Recycled concrete has a number of advantages that can help to facilitate your driveway project, and may be the perfect material choice for you.  Use this information to learn more about why recycled concrete is the right material for your next driveway. Read More …

Time To Crank Up The Heater: 3 Tips To Reduce Your Heating Costs This Winter

18 November 2016
 Categories: Industrial & Manufacturing, Blog

Now that the weather is turning cold, it's time to crank up the heater. With heating oil prices rising, it's also time to make sure that your heater – and your home – is as energy-efficient as possible. Before the cold weather sets in, take the following steps to help reduce your heating oil costs this winter. Start with the Doors and Windows When it comes to reducing energy costs, the best place to start is with your doors and windows. Read More …

Caulk Basement Windows And Apply Concrete Sealer To Walls

18 November 2016
 Categories: Industrial & Manufacturing, Blog

If water leaks in your company's basement each time that it rains because of a thin gap around each window, use caulk to waterproof each window's perimeter. Afterwards, provide the entire basement with a waterproof barrier by adding a coat of concrete sealer over each interior wall. Supplies industrial-strength detergent bucket of water sponge lint-free towel caulk gun tube of caulk putty knife masking tape drop cloths waterproof sealer (designed for concrete) tray extension handle paint roller paintbrush Remove Dirt From Interior Walls And Apply Caulk Around Each Window Read More …

Is Your Uneven Front Walk Tripping People? Slab Jacking Options That Will Fix The Problem

16 November 2016
 Categories: Industrial & Manufacturing, Blog

An uneven front walk is not just an eyesore. It can be the cause of people tripping and getting injured. Rodents digging in the yard, loose soil that has sunk, and tree roots are the common causes for the problem. You should have an exterminator get rid of the rodents, and have a landscape company come and cut back the tree roots. If the current walk is also badly cracked and broken, it is probably best to replace it. Read More …