Replacing Your Concrete Pathway In Winter

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Replacing Your Concrete Pathway In Winter

21 January 2019
 Categories: Industrial & Manufacturing, Blog

The idea of allowing your children or elderly relatives to trek up a cracked, old concrete path can become frightening in the winter. You may feel uneasy about people using the path leading to your door because you don't want them to slip or fall, especially after snowfall or ice accumulation. You might already have considered replacing the pathway, but think winter makes such a project impossible. Luckily, the replacement can still happen if you're concentrating on these concrete path details.

Warming Ground

The demolition and removal of the existing path might be easy, especially if it's already cracked or crumbling. Once that's handled, the main priority should be warming the ground sufficiently to allow a new concrete path to be installed. This will usually require, at the very least, curing blankets and tarps on the area for some days. Soil thermometers should be utilized at different points to ensure that the ground hasn't frozen. Plan further details, but wait until a forecast and thermometer check assures you that the temperature is suitable and keep the soil covered until that point.

Using Base

Winter projects are sometimes more reliably completed when physical bases of metal, vinyl or plastic are used. This will mean deeper digging into the soil to insert those bases; concrete will then lay in them them after being poured. Solid bases might also provide additional protection against roots of bushes or nearby trees which could ultimately crack the path later.

Checking Water Content

Whatever mix you decide on, you should be investigating concrete products to find those with the least water content possible. Freezing water will be the element which could cause uneven curing (drying); high water content will usually delay drying and could create headaches for you while pouring because it will become rock hard in the mixer if you're working too slowly. Low water mixes are preferable.

Getting Assistance

To work fast, you'll need to assemble as much of a team as you're able. Whether calling in contractors, freelancers or friends, having a good-sized team to pour concrete will result in less trouble for your path.

Drying Properly

You'll also need to re-cover the path after pouring. Bringing back those tarps and blankets will keep temperature constant enough that curing should happen evenly.

With these path suggestions, your project is still possible and can result in a safe, good-looking concrete pathway. Discussions the work with concrete hobbyists, property owners, retailers and concrete professionals can be fruitful too. Contact a company, like Pendleton Ready Mix Inc, for more help.