Sewing For Beginners: Sewing Machine Safety

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Focusing On Manufacturing

It's important to invest in your business, but to to make sure your manufacturing is as efficient and profitable as possible, you need to really look at your processes. You might think that you can save money in some areas only to find out you actually need to spend more to improve how things are run. This blog is all about focusing on manufacturing and knowing how to make big differences that can protect your company's financial future. From employee safety to equipment upgrades, you need to know how and why to focus on every step of the manufacturing process.

Sewing For Beginners: Sewing Machine Safety

2 December 2016
 Categories: Industrial & Manufacturing, Blog

So, you've recently acquired a sewing machine and you can't wait to begin learning how to use it! You have big ambitions for sewing your own curtains and maybe even making your own clothes. Before you get started, however, it's important to heed a few vital sewing machine safety tips. If you're not careful, you can seriously cut or even burn yourself while using a sewing machine.

Keep it Unplugged When Not in Use

One of the easiest yet most effective precautions you can take to avoid sewing machine injuries is simply unplugging it when you're not using it. This will prevent it from accidentally being turned on, which is especially important if you have small children or pets in your household. You may also want to unplug the machine while you're first learning to thread needles to avoid accidents; all it takes is one accidental step on the pedal to cause an injury.

Avoid Dangling Jewelry and Accessories

You should remove any jewelry or accessories that could become caught in the machine. Avoid clothing like hooded sweatshirts with strings that can become caught in the machine and cause a serious injury.

Never Sew Across a Pin

While it may seem more convenient to sew across a pin and simply remove the pin after you're done, this can be a dangerous move. Pins can break when sewn across, and in a "freak accident," a broken piece of a sewing pin could become airborne and hit you. With that in mind, it's also never a bad idea to wear eye protection (even if it's just a pair of non-prescription glasses) while you work.

Watch Your Fingers

As you're learning to use a sewing machine, always be careful to keep your fingers far away from the feeder. Keeping your eyes closely on the feeder, and making sure your fingers never go under the feeder will help you avoid sewing your fingers. You should always make it a habit to keep your eyes on the feeder at all times. Looking up for even just a split second could lead to an accident if your finger or hand slips too much.

By keeping these safety tips in mind as you learn you use a sewing machine, you'll be confident in operating one in no time. From there, you'll be on your way to making some amazing things. For more information on sewing machines, talk to an expert.